Customer Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey. The results are completely anonymous, the results will be used to improve the service Wendy offers.

Your participation is greatly appreciated.

How long ago did you visit Wendy at Tocolo?

During your consultation, were you given the opportunity to ask questions about the treatment you were considering?

Did Wendy fully explain the risks and benefits of the treatment you were considering as well as any side effects which may occur?

Did you receive aftercare advice either in paper form or electronically by email?

How clean was the clinic?

Was your dignity, safety and privacy respected?

Please comment on the facilities you were impressed with during your visit? Please select all which apply.

How likely are you to return to Wendy's clinic?

How likely are you to recommend Wendy and the treatments she offers to others?

Please use the space below to tell Wendy anything you think she should know. This information will be used to help improve the services offered.

Would you like Wendy to contact you to discuss your answers or to book another appointment? If so, please add your contact details below.